Giggles Station would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the first passengers who joined the Giggles Train on Saturday, June 29, 2024. With two delightful stops—Friendly International Station and Cool Breeze Station—the children had a blast with the teachers at Genesis.
Friendly International Station

At the first stop of Friendly International Station, the kids had the opportunity to interact and play with foreign teachers. With friendly smiles and engaging activities, the teacher who welcomed these young passengers created a lively and joyful atmosphere where the children could express their interests.
Breeze Station

After leaving Friendly International Station, the Giggles Train continued its journey to Breeze Station. Here, the children enjoyed splashing around in the crystal-clear waters of the Victoria pool. Divided into groups based on age and swimming skills, the kids had a fun and active time, filled with laughter and physical exercise.

Giggles Station is delighted to welcome children and their families on the upcoming train rides, scheduled for Saturdays: July 13 and July 27, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM at Genesis Preschool and Primary School – Xuân Tảo Road – Tây Hồ Tây Urban Area – Tây Hồ.
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