[Summer Club] Learning to swim made easy with Splash Club

Ngày đăng 19/06/2024
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Swimming is not only a popular summer activity but also a sport that helps students improve their health and ensure their safety while enjoying the pool or the beach.

During the first sessions at Splash Club, the children got to know their coaches, made new friends, and embarked on their personal training journey.
For students who are new to swimming, the instructors guided them through breathing techniques and basic arm and leg movements. With the dedicated instruction from the coaches, many have already gained the confidence to float on the water and perform simple swimming strokes.
For students who already have the swimming foundation, the lessons focused on improving technique and speed. The coaches provided valuable tips to help them adjust their posture and refine their technique for faster and more efficient swimming.

Splash Club at Tây Hồ and Nam Từ Liêm campuses is still open for enrollment. Interested parents can register for consultation at https://forms.gle/TMscSmmiT52Da2WTA.

Join Splash Club and become little “swimming champions” this summer!