Let’s spread love to Peo Village with Genee

Ngày đăng 15/01/2024
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Recently, Genees have had the opportunity to participate in and experience various activities at the Genesis Bazaar fair, including growing and selling fresh vegetables, and selling paintings with the aim of fundraising for volunteer activities, bringing a peaceful Tet holiday to disadvantaged children in remote areas.
If the activities held at the school have helped students accumulate more knowledge about science (through activities such as planting, caring for vegetables), enhance communication skills, devise plans to maximize profits from sales activities, or showcase their personality and creativity through paintings, then the experiences during the volunteering trip bring about emotional lessons.
Before the departure date, parents, Genée members, and teachers together prepared ingredients to make traditional square glutinous rice cakes (bánh chưng); they also prepared lovely gifts to give to the students.
 After traveling for over 4 hours by car and another hour on a local means of transportation known as “tac to” without being deterred by weather conditions or challenging roads, the volunteer group consisting of parents, students, teachers from the Genesis Education System, and the Living Green Charity Fund successfully reached Peo village, Vang Dooc (Binh Trung commune, Cho Đon district, Bac Kan province).
The eager Genee members enthusiastically handed large gift bags to each of the little students at this disadvantaged school. The bright eyes of the students here sparkled with joy as they received the gifts from Genee.
👉157 gift packages worth over 40 million Vietnamdong have contributed to “bringing Tet home” for 32 needy families and 115 local students.