[Pre-Primary Club] Exciting Math: sparking inspiration to banish the fear of math

Ngày đăng 26/04/2024
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At the Grade R Pre-Primary Club, math is affectionately known as “Exciting Math.” Here, math is not just a series of dry lessons; it’s an exciting journey of discovery with magical numbers, helping Genee students become familiar and confident before entering first grade.
In their lesson on addition within 20, the students not only learn the basics of numbers but also grasp the underlying concepts through creatively designed learning games. These lessons go beyond simply mastering a specific math skill—they serve as a crucial stepping stone for applying mathematical thinking to other subjects and daily activities.
Moreover, teachers at Genesis play a vital role not just as knowledge transmitters but as sources of inspiration, nurturing a passion and love for math and learning in general. With this approach, learning transforms from a burden into an exciting, colorful, and meaningful adventure.
Can you guess the games that the Grade R Genee students recently experienced during their “Exciting Math” session at the Pre-Primary Club? Share your thoughts in the comments below!