Summary of the first theme of the Personal Development Program: Genee learns to listen to themselves

Ngày đăng 17/10/2024
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The concluding session for the first theme of the Personal Development Program (PDP) provided a wonderful opportunity for middle school Genees to exchange knowledge and reflect on their learning journey. Students engaged in reporting their progress, sharing experiences, and inspiring one another through presentations, debates, and group activities.
The sixth graders shared insights on their Personal Profiles and presented their research projects. They explored practical topics such as the impact of watching short videos, the benefits of getting enough sleep, and the effects of meditation, all of which they researched and shared for collective learning.
The seventh grade introduced a highly engaging experience focusing on Stress Management through a Kahoot game and personal sharing. This helped Genees discover unique methods for stress relief and managing their emotions.
The eighth graders organized the final round of a debate competition, where they passionately discussed the theme of “Pursuing Dreams.” Their sharp arguments, intriguing perspectives, and spirited debate truly inspired everyone in attendance.
The Personal Development Program (PDP) at Genesis is a distinctive initiative aimed at helping Genees hone their learning skills, develop life skills, nurture their passions, and practice a Green lifestyle, equipping students with essential tools for the future. Congratulations to all Genee for completing the first theme in this year’s five-theme journey.