Building strong partnerships: Parent orientation for the 2024-2025 school year

Ngày đăng 22/07/2024
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 As the new school year approaches, the Genesis Education System successfully held two orientation meetings with parents and the Principal at the Tay Ho and Nam Tu Liem campuses. The school has set five key goals for the 2024-2025 academic year to bring the “Aspire to Wisdom” vision to life: enhancing teaching quality, developing staff, expanding the curriculum, improving parent-school communication, and implementing effective green projects.
The orientation meetings are an annual tradition at Genesis, designed to provide parents with a clear understanding of the goals and educational programs for the new school year. It’s also an opportunity for Genesis to listen to parents’ concerns and engage in meaningful dialogue. Mr. Phan Anh, the Director of the system, shared with attending parents: “To reach our academic goals and support Genee’s overall growth, the school has set clear targets and plans. We hope parents will support and actively participate in helping us achieve these goals.”
Alongside the parent orientation, a development and talent enrichment program for students receiving the Genesis Young Talent & Green Future Scholarships was also launched. This program helps Genee understand the scholarships, academic goals, and their roles as “Genesis Ambassadors.” It also provides a platform for students to network, connect, and build a support system, fostering proactive attitudes and personal management skills.
Genesis believes that strong teamwork between the school and families is key to helping students grow, succeed in their education, and adapt to the global world.